REALTOR® Educational Requirements

Code of Ethics Training
Required every 3 years
One way REALTORS® differ from other real estate practitioners is that REALTORS® follow a strict CODE OF ETHICS in their work with consumers. The National Association of REALTORS® requires that every REALTOR® must complete 2.5 hours of Code of Ethics (COE) training within each training cycle.
Current Cycle: January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027
New members are required to take a COE training class within 6 months of being approved for membership!
Seattle King County REALTORS® offers COE training to its members for free!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can't remember if you completed COE training in this cycle? Check here:
- Have you taken a class elsewhere and need to update your training date? Email a copy of your course certificate to
You can also take Code of Ethics classes online through the National Association of REALTORS® or The CE Shop. (NOTE: SKCR does not keep track of certificates for classes taken somewhere else.)
DOL Educational Requirements Regularly Offered at SKCR
Required Courses with Every Renewal
Core Curriculum: Current Issues in WA Residential Real Estate
This course provides an overview of recent changes and new topics relevant to residential real estate, and it satisfies the Washington Department of Licensing requirement of 3.0 clock hours of the prescribed CORE Curriculum. The mandatory clock hours must be included in the 30 hours required for all active licensees.
Topics covered in this class:
- Forms Updates & Closing Terms
- Legislative Update
- Business Practices Update & Professional Standards
- Best Practices & Risk Avoidance Reminders
Fair Housing
This course introduces real estate brokers and managing brokers to the federal Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) and the Washington Law Against Discrimination (chapter 49.60 RCW) as it relates to real estate transactions. The mandatory clock hours must be included in the 30 hours required for all active licensees.
Topics covered in this class:
- Historical and Societal Context
- Legal Framework
- Role of the Broker and Managing Broker
REALTORS® licensed in Washington State automatically satisfy NAR’s Fair Housing training requirements through completion of the WA DOL-required course.
If you haven't taken the initial 6-hour Washington Real Estate Fair Housing course, you must take it first. Once you've taken the initial course, you must take the 3-hour Washington Real Estate Fair Housing course each time you renew your license.
First Renewal?
You have additional class requirements your first renewal. In addition to the above required classes, you must take the 30-hour Advanced Practices Course and the 30-hour Real Estate Law Course.
Visit the DOL website for more on license renewals and requirements.